Green Screen



Green Screen

Green Screen Photography:
Be anywhere you want to be

Unlike a photo booth, A green screen photo station is run by a photographer with an assistant to create images much faster than a self-serve photo booth. We professional lighting, green screen, proper posing and a lot of personality. Green Screen Photo Stations are not only GREAT entertainment, but the best bang for the buck when you consider how many people can have images created, get a print or digital file, and back to your party in the shortest amount of time. We are really good at what we do and stand behind our work 100% of the time.

Photo Booth with a Green Screen vs. Green Screen Photo Station? The best way to explain it is like buying gas in New Jersey, Oregon or the town of Huntington, New York – ALL Full Service vs. Self Service gas stations everywhere else.

A Photo Booth is self service, you push a button on a box, it takes the photos. A Photo Station is Full Service, run by a photographer who can quickly create a great photo with an amazing personality.

What does it come with?

 Photographer, assistant, 8’x8′ green screen background, professional camera, studio lighting, props, 4×6 printer, black cardboard folders


10’x10′ space (12’x15′ preferred), 6′ rec cover table or 2 cocktail rounds, access to power within 25′, access to space 90 minutes prior to doors.

Sample Photos & Backgrounds

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